How Couples Can Reconnect Emotionally After Drifting Apart
Couples often drift apart over time. Work, parenting, financial stressors, and miscommunications contribute to emotional distance. Disconnection feels scary and sad. Couples counseling can help restore emotional and physical connections that have been strained and lost.
Understanding and Stopping Lies During Affair Recovery
Lies are often numerous during the initial phase of affair recovery. They are taxing for both partners and compound trust violations. Affair recovery is a complex process. Most people need help. The longer lies continue, the harder it is to make a full recovery. Don’t hesitate to ask for help.
Why are Couples’ Routines so Important to Relationships?
Couples counseling helps couples ensure they have strong, healthy routines from the day-to-day to the not-so-often rituals we all need to be happy and function well. If you need help improving connection, predictability, and stability in your relationship, couples counseling can help you ensure your relationship is happy and healthy.
What is premarital counseling and how is it helpful?
Premarital counseling helps couples ensure they have strong, healthy foundations that stand the test of time and life stressors. If you're thinking about tying the knot, couples counseling can help you ensure your relationship is off to a solid start.
Can Relationships Work After Cheating?
Relationships can work after cheating. They require work and usually need the assistance of a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Read on to discover factors that influence affair recovery.
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety creates painful emotional and physical symptoms. Anxiety is highly treatable. Anxiety therapy can teach you to identify the root of the problem and quiet your mind and heart.
4 Styles of Communication and How They Impact Relationships
The 4 styles of communication that impact our relationships are: assertive, passive, passive-aggressive, and aggressive. It’s important to know what style you are and how it impacts your partner.
The Do’s and Don’ts After Discovering an Affair
Affairs are heart breaking and gut wrenching. Immediately following an affair, people are in crisis. There are some easy mistakes to make. Read on to discover the do’s and don’ts immediately following the discovery of a betrayal.
4 Ways to Begin Calming Your Anxiety Today
Anxiety is one of the most common complaints in therapy. Problem anxiety robs people of their energy and joy. Fortunately, anxiety is highly treatable. Learn four ways to begin calming anxiety today.
Understanding and Overcoming Low Self-Confidence
Low self-confidence is common and effects everything we think, feel, and do. Understanding what creates and maintains self-confidence issues leads to insight and change. Effective treatment for anxiety can help.
The 5 Stages of Grief in Divorce (Plus a New One).
Divorce follows the five stages of grief. Understanding the perspectives of the person initiating divorce, the partner being left, and the children is an important in a respectful divorce.
Affairs: Harnessing Painful Endings in the Service of Change.
Affairs are painful endings. With effective affair recovery, they can lead to new beginnings. Affairs happen for many reasons including unmet needs in a relationship or an individual.
My Child Has a Negative Attitude. What Can I Do To Help?
Kids often struggle with negative attitudes and mood. Younger kids often act out negative attitudes with behavior; older kids use more words. There are techniques we can learn that help them discover who they want to be in more positive ways.
Shame: Is it a Healthy Motivator?
Shame is a feeling of inadequacy or “brokenness.” Everyone experiences shame at some level. It doesn’t equal failure. Facing shame is necessary for our mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.
Anxiety Undermines Self-Worth: Tips to Start Breaking the Cycle
Anxiety and self-worth are directly related. Whatever reflections we got as children determine what we think of ourselves and how we learn to access our self-worth. If we learned to access it from the outside in, we feel worth based on what we do, have, or look like. This fuels chronic anxiety.
The 4 “Cancers” that Predict Relationship Failure.
Critical? Defensive? Struggling to stay engaged in arguments? Giving someone the cold-shoulder? Unable to self-soothe and find your self withdrawing? These “Four Horsemen” are cancers in relationships. Fortunately, they are fixable. Find out how to start spotting these in your relationship now.
What Makes Communication in Relationships so Difficult?
One reason communication breaks down is because of emotional hijackings. The emotional system perceives pain from something that was said or done, it turns on, and starts driving how we behave. The cycle of conflict begins.
Controlling Anxiety is About Managing Relationships
Anxiety fuels self-doubt, automatic negative thoughts, ruminations, worries, conflict, arguments, affairs and divorce. Anxiety is universal. It drives our thinking and behavior. Understanding the relationship between your emotional system and your thinking brain is the key to effective anxiety treatment.
How to Stop Losing Your Cool on Your Kids
Parents are stressed out, tired, and often overwhelmed. It’s easy to become angry. Then everyone is upset, and the guilt-cycle begins. Understanding how to cope is essential to regulating our emotions and wellbeing and theirs.